Hjalteyri the small fishing village Strytan Divecenter is renting the south part of the old herring factory in Hjalteyri that was built 1937 and at time was the largest herring factory in Europe. From Hjalteyri is only 10 min with boat to dive Strytan and...
Some divers travels with more style than other when they are comming to dive Strytan with me. This summer the yact Octopus owned by Paul Allen came. I went went diving with some people from Octopus at the strytan and the wreck Standard inside the harbour.
Kafað á Bláhval 29. janúar 2010. Dýpi 22 metrar og staðsetning 65°41.971,-18°06.407. Skyggnið er mjög gott og sjórinn er 4°C. Köfunarfélagar voru Tommi og...
Við kortlagningu á botninum norðan við sandgerðisbótina á Akureyri kom í ljós skipsflak á 20 metra dýpi. Kafararnir Erlendur Bogason, Gunnar Agnar Vilhjálmsson og Tómas Pálmi Pétursson köfuðu niður að flakinu 18.08.2009. Samkvæmt heimildum sem Gústaf Njálsson hefur...